Thursday, July 29, 2010


Puppy has thinned out enough that he can now wear his sister's diapers (Young Lady wears size 4). This makes stocking up diapers much easier.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Big girl

young lady weighs 21.6 lbs and 26" long today. i hope she understands why i couldn't carry her more often... she barely fits in the baby sling... ow. my back.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Best compliment ever

Puppy saw my outfit and said "That's cute." and then he said "You are so handsome, Mommy." Awwwwwwwww.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Where did Annie gone? Hiding hiding hiding hiding.

Puppy: Annie! Annie! He [I] lost my Annie. Annie sad. Puppy lost it. He [I am] missing Annie! Annie gone...

few minutes later, denial:
Puppy: (pointing to a truck behind Clarabel): It's Annie!

...few minutes later to a tune of "Little Red Caboose"
Puppy: Where did Annie gone? Where did Annie gone? Hiding hiding hiding hiding.

Annie & Clarabel are two coaches from Thomas and Friends. They are identical but somehow he knew he was missing Annie and not Clarabel. I thought it was funny how he was dealing with his loss:
  1. he's devastated
  2. he substitutes his loss with an alike item 
  3. he ponders about it.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Diaperless baby

Woke up next to diaperless Bunny with her diapers strewn everywhere around her (and her dirty diaper on the nightstand!). I vaguely recall Puppy saying he's going to change her diaper while I was sleeping.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Puppy's blanket

ok. note to self: wash Puppy's blanket when he's not looking. lots of tears. again.
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