Thursday, September 30, 2010

Runny Nose and Rainy Day

  1. Puppy's nose is ONLY runny on the day he has to go to school. Boy is a genius. Unfortunately, he hasn't realized I've toughened up since the first day of school and will be sending him to school regardless.
  2. I need a rain jacket. Unloading/loading two kids in the rain is not fun.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thomas the Tank Engine turns 65 and my boy will get older too

{ Thomas, the cheeky little engine }

I don't know what it is about these animorphic trains, but my boy loves, loves, LOOOOVES these trains. It is sad to think that in about 4-5 years he will no longer love them and put them aside for "big boy things" like sports and fast cars and military things.

Every time I go out to a toy store or Target I check out the Thomas and Friends aisle and see if there are any good deals for Puppy. One time, I was standing there and there was a mom and her son and she's going on and on about all the trains and the boy had absolutely no interest; he wanted to check out a different aisle with Matchbox cars and something cooler. His mom had a sad tone in her voice as she said "You used to love Thomas." That is going to be me in few years and I think I too, will be very sad saying those words out loud.

Few months ago while trolling the Craigslist I saw a listing for a car motif quilt. I thought "This is perfect! It's perfect for Puppy!" and contacted the seller immediately. We met at an empty restaurant parking lot and the seller mom was explaining to me how the quilt is in really good shape, it's just that her boys are older now and wants to re-do their room in "big boy" themes like sports. They just don't care for "things that go" anymore. So sad just thinking about it. I hate sports. Hahahaha. But seriously, I got 4-5 years left before he decides he's going to be a "big boy".

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Puppy plots

Puppy: I want to go for a drive on the big H [Honda] car!
Daddy: We can go for a drive when we go to pick up dinner later.
Puppy: [ Long pause ] I'm hungry! Daddy, we have to go pick up food now!

It was only four in the afternoon. Little pup is starting to figure out how he can get what he wants. Uh oh...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Adult-like children's book author is alive and well

I had no idea Norton Juster was still alive and writing.

In the early 1960s, writer Norton Juster and illustrator Jules Feiffer created The Phantom Tollbooth, which quickly became a kid-lit classic. Now, 50 years later, the two have finally collaborated once more -- this time, on a picture book called The Odious Ogre.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Like "Three Little Pigs

Puppy: [sneezes]
Me: Bless you! Puppy sneezed?
Puppy: Yes... like "Three Little Pigs".

Baby Girl's 6th Monthday!

My baby girl is 6 months old today!
half birthday cake
Half birthday cake!
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