Thursday, December 16, 2010

This blah...g needs a redesign!

I've been meaning to redesign this blog for awhile, it's kinda blah isn't it? Well, I do call it a "blah...g". Every time I look at it I think how horrendous it looks and how I want to redo it, after all, I do this for a living!

So I sat down thinking I was going to do something with it, and... I'm too tired and disinterested. When that clock reads 12 o'clock, my design/coding mode is turned off and all I want to do is mindless web browsing. It's a pity, because I really should spend my time more wisely.

I hung out with a former co-worker who became a chef few months back. He said that after work he does not go home and make himself a fancy meal, he just wants a five guy or some fast food to grab on the go. Anyways, so it's just not me. Still a pity though, because this blog really sucks.

Finally, some snow!

First snowfall of 2010!
My little garden dude better hurry home if he doesn't want to freeze over!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Somebody's getting married

My sister got married today and Puppy was the ring bearer. I feared that he would just run away with the rings leaving the horrified guests behind, but surprisingly he stayed albeit the odd strutting and the swinging of the pillow (good thing the rings were tied). All in all fun was had and celebrated and best of luck to the couple!

Shinlang & Shinboo
Tiramisu cupcakes
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