Friday, February 11, 2011


So Baby Girl's cheot-dol (means first birthday in Korean) is this Sunday and I'm like 60% done with prepping. With Big Boy's first birthday I hired a balloon artist to decorate the hall and the event being held at a Korean restaurant everything was pretty much done by the restaurant, the prepping of the main table, food container for people to take home. All I had to focus on really was to look good and the display table.

With the Baby Girl, we are holding the Big Event at an Italian restaurant. Yeah, it's weird, but it was way cheaper than doing it at a Korean restaurant and I thought it would be cool. While it is cheaper, I realized I'm spending money on lot of things I didn't have to worry about, like the decorative tower that's traditionally placed will have to be rented and I would have to do the fruit arrangement... It also didn't help that I decided not to spend $300 on the balloon artist this year so that means all the centerpiece and decoration has to be done, and I didn't hire a florist, so I have to do that, and hubby was late in booking the photographer so I have to be mindful of that to. Basically, everything, every little detail will have to be done by me.

So two days 'till the big day and here I am typing away. Typical of me to procrastinate. However, for me there is no other motivation like it.

For the Baby Girl's birthday I decided that a candy buffet would be fun. Seems like it's in vogue and I thought it would be cool. I wanted it kind of fancy-like and I thought macarons would be perfect! I bought the ingredients and everything. Went to Costco and bought 3 dozens of eggs, bought confectioner's sugar and almonds, food coloring. The time came to make it and I lost confidence of whether I could do this. I have history of failing at whipping things. My whipped creams turns to butter, and knowing my tendency to overkill I'm pretty sure my almond powder will become almond butter.

So I looked and looked and I found this:
marshmallow treat pops - creative hostess
from Creative Hostess
I think I can do this. I think I can! So I went and bought the sticks, the M&Ms, marshmallows, candy melt and sprinkles. I hope it turns out all right!

Maybe for Big Boy's birthday I'll build up my courage and bake one of these still:
I want to be able to make one of these!

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