Thursday, March 24, 2011

Get Organized! Do Five Things At a Time

I have four very good Pottery Barn file cabinets, but they are in the basement and this is how I choose to file my bills and papers. Yeap, ghetto Amazon flat boxes in a basket.

I tried to be super organized and separate them by type/company/months, but that lasted one day, the day I separated them. This grouping works for me as I have realized I don't really ever look back on my bills, but I need to have them saved for just-in-cases.
How I filed my bills and documents
I was at Target the other day and saw these plastic bins. It was 11x14x3.5 and I thought "Hm, these bins would be perfect for my bills!" I bought some and it was! Look!
Perfect! Large envelope fits perfectly inside the container!
So I put the bills and papers in there. These are for 2010. Looks much better, no?
Bills and documents for 2010. Busting at the seam, pretty much.
I have come up with a plan to be more organized and clean. With the helpful "Out of Milk" app, I make a list of to-dos. Everyday I will attempt to cross off at least five things off the list. It wouldn't have to be in order, but seeing the list being crossed off will be a great motivator. I will also "put away five things", that means where ever I am, I will put away five things in their rightful place.
2 down and 3 more to go!

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